Accueil > 2011 > septembre > 120 Model Tableau Vivant - Skylight One Hanson

120 Model Tableau Vivant - Skylight One Hanson

Sarah Small’s Tableau Vivant | | août 2011

mercredi 7 septembre 2011

New York City

At Skylight One Hanson, on May 23rd & 24th 2011, 120 models and musicians were assembled into a series of suspended interactions, against a backdrop of choral droning and unified gestural ’dance’. The Delirium Constructions, a series of still photographic images depicting unlikely characters in improbable scenarios, was brought to life. At once performance, party and experiment, the Tableau Vivant was the centerpiece for 800+ attendees. Since 2009, Small has directed several smaller Tableaux, exploring various components of this 120-model+musician performance. Stay tuned for performances this Spring - 2012, and a Global Tour - 2013.

May 2011 - 120 Model Tableau Vivant - Skylight One Hanson from Sarah Small's Tableau Vivant on Vimeo.

Congratulations to newly-weds, Siddhartha & Alexandrea Dillon, and Edwin & Callie Dennis - and to CJ & Renee Follini, who renewed their vows in this performance.

Donate Here :​sponsorList.php

Thank you to all of our supporters - Without each of you, the continued production of this project would not be possible. Sarah Small’s Tableau Vivant of the Delirium Constructions is a fiscally sponsored artist project of The Lucie Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by federal law.

Transmis par Xian durand
Wed, 07 Sep 2011 01:04:08 +0200

Voir en ligne : May 2011 - 120 Model Tableau Vivant - Skylight One Hanson

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